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Will Writing

Will Writing

Will Writing

A Will is an essential part of future planning; it can safeguard the important things in your life for the people you love. It’s a legal document that states what happens to all of your assets. It also specifies who should become the legal guardian of any children under the age of 18.

When writing your Will, you can specify who inherits what: money, property, possessions, personal mementos or charitable donations.  All of these components are referred to as your ‘Estate’.

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What happens if I don’t write a will?

If you don’t make a Will or keep it safe and up to date, the people you love may wait longer to receive what you wanted them to, or the courts may even decide who gets what.

A properly drafted Will can help to avoid complications and disputes when you are no longer here and can provide you with the peace of mind, knowing that you have clearly stated your wishes.

Enquire about a Will now, call us on 0800 007 3750 or enquire online and we’ll be in touch soon.

The Memoria Online Will Service

Write your Will today for only £49.99 (incl. VAT)

Just by visiting our website today you’ve made the right choice. A recent report (April 2023) from The National Will Register* has found that only 44% of adults in the UK – that’s less than half! – have not spoken to anyone about what should happen to their estate upon their passing.

By not having a Will in place, that means half the UK population are leaving it up to the government to decide what will happen to their home, their money, and even their children.

Write Your Will Now

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Safeguard the important things in your life for the people you love.

For help and advice call: 0800 007 3750

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