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Property Protection Trust

Property Protection Trust

Property Protection Trust

A Property Protection Trust is a legal instruction that is written into your Will. This allows a surviving spouse or partner to continue to live in the property while the deceased’s share of the property is kept separate.

This type of trust is commonly used to allow children and loved ones to inherit property after the surviving spouse’s / partner’s death.

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Property Protection Trust Benefits and Limitations


  • The surviving spouse / partner can remain in the property
  • Protects property in the event of bankruptcy
  • Protects your assets from remarriage
  • Avoids sideways disinheritance
    (another family inheriting after a second marriage)
  • Protects against care cost worries


  • Does not protect against probate & executry costs
  • Protects property in the event of bankruptcy
  • Like a will, can be challenged for up to 2 years
  • Only comes into effect on death

Enquire about a Property Protection Trust now, call us on 0800 007 3750 or enquire online and we’ll be in touch soon.

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